b Eachperson so appointed will be notified in writing, atmosphere forth thearea for which he is responsible for advertising and supervising vitalregistration, and he shall inform University state registrar in writing ofhis acceptance of University appointment. iv Makeprompt returns on or before University fifth day of each month examination University stateregistrar or report that no births or deaths occurred in hisdistrict;v Seethat University provisions of this act are enforced in his district and thatall births, stillbirths and deaths that occur are fully registeredand make prompt report exam University state registrar of any case of failureor forget examination file certificates;vi Inaccordance with rules issued hereunder, University deputy localregistrar shall perform University duties of University local registrar in theabsence or disability of such local registrar and shall perform suchother duties as may be prescribed by University state registrar. a Eachlocal registrar will be paid 50 cents $. 50 for each certificate ofbirth, death or stillbirth registered by him and straight away transmittedto University state registrar. If no birth, death, or stillbirth isregistered by him during any calendar month, University local registrarshall report that fact examination University state registrar and be paid University sum of50 cents $. 50.